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Battle City
Battle City - Game Boy - Console Portable Nintendo
General Information
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Battle City
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   Japon BattleCity
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Nova Co
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Shoot'em Up
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Japon 09/08/1991
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Allemand Battle City ist eine verfeinerte Version von Namcos altem Arcade-Spiel Tank Battalion. Zerstöre verschiedene feindliche Panzer und versuche, sie von deiner Basis fernzuhalten. Wenn Sie 20 feindliche Panzer zerstört haben, gelangen Sie mit einem anderen Layout zum nächsten Level. In jedem Level gibt es einige Hindernisse, die Sie zu Ihrem Vorteil nutzen können. Zu den Hindernissen gehören rote Steine, die Sie aus dem Weg schießen können, silberne Steine, die stark gepanzert sind, Wasser und Eis. Sie beginnen das Spiel mit einem einfachen Panzer, den Sie nach und nach zu einem besseren Panzer aufrüsten können. Das NES-Spiel verfügt über einen Konstruktionsmodus, sodass Sie Ihre eigenen Level erstellen können, wenn Sie alle 35 Originallevel durchgespielt haben.
Anglais Battle City is a refined version of Namco's old arcade game Tank Battalion. Destroy different enemy tanks, while trying to keep them away from your base. When you have destroyed 20 enemy tanks you advance to the next level with different layout. In each level there's some obstacles which you can use to your advantage. Obstacles include red bricks which you can shoot out of your way, silver bricks which are highly armored, water and ice. You start the game with a basic tank, which you can power up to better one little by little.

The NES game includes a construction mode, so you can make your own levels when you have played through all the 35 original levels.
Espagnol Battle City es una versión refinada del antiguo juego de arcade Tank Battalion de Namco.

Destruye tanques enemigos mientras intentas mantenerlos lejos de tu base. Cuando los hayas destruido todos avanzas al siguiente nivel con un nuevo diseño. En cada nivel hay algunos obstáculos que puedes utilizar para tu ventaja. Los obstáculos incluyen ladrillos rojos que puedes romper, ladrillos plateados altamente blindados, agua y hielo. Comienzas el juego con un tanque básico, que puedes mejorar poco a poco.
Français Battle City est un jeu d'action sur Gameboy. Votre principal objectif est de détruire tous les tanks ennemis avant que ceux-ci ne s'approchent de votre base. Une fois que vous avez triomphé de 20 tanks, vous passez au niveau suivant. De nombreux éléments du décor peuvent être utilisés à votre avantage. Un mode Construction est à débloquer une fois que vous avez terminé tous les niveaux.
Portugais Battle City é uma versão refinada do antigo jogo de arcade Tank Battalion da Namco. Destrua diferentes tanques inimigos, enquanto tenta mantê-los longe de sua base. Depois de destruir 20 tanques inimigos, você avança para o próximo nível com um layout diferente. Em cada nível há alguns obstáculos que você pode usar a seu favor. Obstáculos incluem tijolos vermelhos que você pode atirar fora do seu caminho, tijolos de prata que são altamente blindados, água e gelo. Você começa o jogo com um tanque básico, que pode melhorar aos poucos. Depois de terminar todos os 35 níveis é desbloqueado um modo de construção, para que você possa criar seus próprios níveis.
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .