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Suspended - Apple II - Ordinateur Apple
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Continent Américain
   USA Suspended
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Adventure / Text
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USA 01/03/1983
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Allemand In einer Weltraumkolonie namens Contra fungiert ein Mensch als Regulator für die lebenswichtigen Systeme des Planeten: Er kontrolliert den Verkehr, das Wetter und verwaltet die Ressourcen, während er sich dank der neuronalen Leistung seines Gehirns in einem tiefen Schlaf befindet. Dieser Mensch wacht auf und ist verwirrt über das plötzliche Durcheinander in den Regelsystemen des Planeten. Die Besatzungsmitglieder nehmen an, dass er verrückt geworden ist, und kommen, um seinen Geist abzuschalten.
Suspended ist ein textbasiertes Abenteuerspiel mit einer Besonderheit: Anstatt den Protagonisten zu steuern, kontrolliert der Spieler indirekt sechs Roboter, die ihm gehorchen, indem sie die Umgebung erkunden und mit ihr interagieren. Der Spieler schreitet im Spiel voran, indem er die verschiedenen Fähigkeiten der Roboter nutzt und Rätsel löst, um den Planeten zu retten.
Anglais On a space settlement named Contra, a human being serves as a regulator for the planet's vital systems: he controls transportation, weather, and manages resources all while being in a deep sleep, through the neural power of his brain. Such a regulator is called Central Mentality. However, after five hundred years of stasis, the current Central Mentality suddenly awakens, greatly troubled by reports of computer malfunctioning and resulting problems in weather condition, food production, and transport. He must now act, and act quickly: the crew members assumed that he has gone insane, and are coming to disconnect his mind. But what can he do if his state of suspended animation prevents him from moving?

Suspended is a text adventure game with a twist: instead of navigating the protagonist, the player indirectly controls six robots that do his bidding, exploring the environment and interacting with it. Each robot has different functions and has its own way of seeing reality and reacting to events around it. Iris is the only robot that can see and therefore visually describe locations and objects; Whiz can provide technical information obtained from computers; the sonar-powered Waldo is good at holding items; Auda is an expert in sounds; the cryptically speaking Poet senses the flow of electric currents; finally, Sensa can detect magnetic and photon emissions. The player advances in the game by using the different abilities of the robots and solving puzzles.
Espagnol En una colonia espacial llamada Contra, un ser humano ejerce de regulador de los sistemas de soporte vital del planeta: controla el transporte, el clima y gestiona los recursos mientras se encuentra en un sueño profundo, gracias a la potencia neuronal de su cerebro. Este humano despierta, perturbado por el súbito desorden de los sistemas reguladores del planeta. Los miembros de la tripulación suponen que se ha vuelto loco y acuden a desconectar su mente.
Suspended es un juego de aventuras basado en texto con un giro: en lugar de dirigir al protagonista, el jugador controla indirectamente a seis robots que le obedecen, exploran el entorno e interactúan con él. El jugador avanza por el juego utilizando las distintas habilidades de los robots y resolviendo rompecabezas para salvar el planeta.
Français Dans une colonie spatiale nommée Contra, un être humain sert de régulateur aux systèmes vitaux de la planète : il contrôle les transports, la météo et gère les ressources tout en étant dans un profond sommeil, grâce à la puissance neuronale de son cerveau. Cet humain se réveille, troublé par le désordre soudain des systèmes de régulation de la planète. Les membres de l'équipage supposent qu'il est devenu fou, et viennent pour déconnecter son esprit.
Suspended est un jeu d'aventure textuel avec une particularité : au lieu de diriger le protagoniste, le joueur contrôle indirectement six robots qui lui obéissent, en explorant l'environnement et en interagissant avec lui. Le joueur progresse dans le jeu en utilisant les différentes capacités des robots et en résolvant des énigmes afin de sauver la planète.
Italien In una colonia spaziale chiamata Contra, un essere umano funge da regolatore dei sistemi di supporto vitale del pianeta: controlla i trasporti, il clima e gestisce le risorse mentre è in un sonno profondo, grazie alla potenza neurale del suo cervello. Questo umano si sveglia, disturbato dall'improvviso disordine dei sistemi di regolazione del pianeta. I membri dell'equipaggio pensano che sia impazzito e vengono a scollegare la sua mente.
Suspended è un gioco d'avventura testuale con un tocco di novità: invece di dirigere il protagonista, il giocatore controlla indirettamente sei robot che gli obbediscono, esplorando l'ambiente e interagendo con lui. Il giocatore avanza nel gioco utilizzando le diverse abilità dei robot e risolvendo enigmi per salvare il pianeta.
Portugais Numa colónia espacial chamada Contra, um ser humano serve como regulador dos sistemas de suporte de vida do planeta: ele controla o transporte, o tempo e gere os recursos enquanto dorme profundamente, graças ao poder neural do seu cérebro. Este ser humano acorda, perturbado pela súbita desordem dos sistemas reguladores do planeta. Os membros da tripulação assumem que ele enlouqueceu, e vêm para desligar a sua mente.
Suspended é um jogo de aventura baseado em texto com uma reviravolta: em vez de dirigir o protagonista, o jogador controla indirectamente seis robôs que lhe obedecem, explorando o ambiente e interagindo com ele. O jogador progride através do jogo utilizando as diferentes capacidades dos robôs e resolvendo puzzles de modo a salvar o planeta.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .