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Fear Effect
Fear Effect - Playstation - Console Sony
General Information
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Fear Effect
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Continent Américain
   USA Fear Effect
Europe Fear Effect
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JV:+16 ans
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Europe 17/03/2000
USA 31/01/2000
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Allemand Hong Kong - die futuristische Metrophole des Ostens in einer fernen Zukunft. Die Söldner Hana, Glas und Deke arbeiten zusammen, um die Tochter des mächtigen Triadenoberhauptes der Stadt aus den Händen einer Erpresserbande freizukaufen.

Was als einfache Rettungsmission beginnt, entwickelt sich zu einem spannungsgeladenen Überlebenskampf voller Action und Intrigen und zieht Sie hinein in ein mystisches Abenteuer von den Häuserschluchten Hong Kongs bis in die finstersten Abgründe der Hölle.

Flüssiges Gameplay macht diese epische Geschichte zu einem wahrhaft cineastischen Abenteuer. Die brandneue MotionFX-Technologie erschafft die vielleicht dynamischsten und lebensechtesten Welten, die jemals auf der PlayStation zu sehen waren!

Fear Effect ist eine Mischung aus Action, Rätseln und Verschwörungen - ein wahrhaft fesselndes Spielerlebnis.
Anglais It starts as a simple assignment for the three mercenaries - the beautiful, mysterious Hana, the former army officer Glas, and the ruthless killer Deke. Somewhere in the futuristic Hong-Kong, full of huge corporations, flying cars and helicopters, home for the famous Triad mafia, they have to find the young Wee Ming Lam, the daughter of a powerful gangster. But Hana and her partners don't suspect that the search for Wee Ming will lead them not only to very dangerous areas of Hong-Kong, but to outskirt villages infected by zombies, a dubious restaurant-brothel, and the Chinese hell, where they'll have to confront Yim Lau Wong himself - the Chinese equivalent of the Western Satan...

The gameplay of "Fear Effect" is based on survival horror titles à la Resident Evil, but it also features many pure action elements and arcade-like sequences, where precise timing matters. You can crouch, sneak on your enemies, and roll forward or to the sides. There are many human as well as monster enemies to eliminate or to avoid. The game's characters are created in animé style, although they appear in full 3D. The backgrounds are pre-rendered, but very intensely animated, similar to those of Blade Runner. The story unfolds through numerous FMV cut scenes.
Espagnol Fear Effect es un juego de acción y aventura, que aprovecha toda la potencia de Playstation. Comienza eligiendo a uno de estos tres mercenarios: la hermosa y misteriosa Hana, el ex oficial del ejército Glas y el despiadado asesino Deke. En algún lugar del futurista Hong-Kong, lleno de grandes corporaciones, coches voladores y helicópteros, hogar de la famosa mafia de las Triadas, tienes que encontrar a la joven Wee Ming Lam, la hija de un poderoso gángster. Pero Hana y sus socios no sospechan que la búsqueda de Wee Ming les llevará no sólo a zonas muy peligrosas de Hong-Kong, sino a los pueblos de los alrededores infectados por zombis, un restaurante-burdel, y el infierno chino, donde tendrás que enfrentar a Yim Lau Wong - el equivalente chino de Satanás Occidental ...
Français Fear Effect est un jeu d'action/aventure profitant de décors précalculés sur Playstation. Avant de pouvoir fêter ses 18 ans, une certaine Wee Ming Lam disparaît dans de mystérieuses circonstances. Des mercenaires souhaitent la retrouver pour rançonner son père, un puissant chef de triade. Au fil de l'histoire, vous incarnerez trois membres d'une même équipe pour tenter de retrouver la jeune fille avant ses poursuivants.
Italien Fear Effect è un gioco di azione e avventura che sfrutta tutta la potenza di Playstation. Inizia scegliendo uno di questi tre mercenari: la bellissima e misteriosa Hana, l'ex ufficiale dell'esercito Glas e lo spietato assassino Deke. Da qualche parte nella futuristica Hong Kong, piena di grandi corporazioni, macchine volanti ed elicotteri, sede della famosa mafia della Triade, devi trovare la giovane Wee Ming Lam, la figlia di un potente gangster. Ma Hana e i suoi collaboratori non sospettano che la loro ricerca di Wee Ming li condurrà non solo in zone molto pericolose di Hong Kong, ma anche nelle città circostanti infestate da zombi, un bordello-ristorante e l'inferno cinese, dove potrai devo affrontare Yim Lau Wong, l'equivalente cinese di Satana occidentale ...
Portugais Fear Effect é um jogo de ação / aventura com sets pré-calculados no Playstation. Antes que possamos completar 18 anos, um certo Wee Ming Lam desaparece em circunstâncias misteriosas. Os mercenários querem encontrá-la para resgatar seu pai, um poderoso líder tríade. Ao longo da história, você vai jogar três membros da mesma equipe para tentar encontrar a garota antes de seus perseguidores.
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .