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Legacy Of Kain - Soul Reaver
Legacy Of Kain - Soul Reaver - Playstation - Console Sony
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Legacy Of Kain - Soul Reaver
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   USA Legacy of Kain : Soul Reaver
Europe Legacy of Kain : Soul Reaver
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JV:+16 ans
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Action / Adventure
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USA 16/08/1999
Europe 24/06/1999
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Allemand Raziel, einer der sechs Statthalter des Vampir­fürsten Kain, hat noch vor seinem Herrn eine neue Entwicklungsstufe erreicht und als erster Vampir fledermausartige Flügel bekommen. Kain sieht dies als Anmaßung an, da gewöhnlich er das Privileg besitzt, als erster eine Metamorphose zu durchleben und damit seine Fähigkeiten zu steigern. In einem Anfall von Eifersucht reißt Kain Raziels Flügelknochen heraus und wirft ihn in den Seelenstrudel, in dem Raziel für alle Zeit Höllenqualen erleiden soll, denn Wasser ist für Nosgoths Vampire tödlich. Doch Raziel wird vom Älteren, einer uralten Gottheit, die im Abgrund lebt, gerettet und mit neuen Fähigkeiten ausgestattet. Raziel ist nun zu einer Art Todesengel geworden; statt nach Blut dürstet es ihn nun nach den Seelen seiner Opfer. Angetrieben durch seinen Durst nach Vergeltung und die dunklen Pläne des alten Gottes begibt er sich auf einen Rachefeldzug.
Anglais 1500 years after Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, the vampire Kain's decision at the end of that game has finally defeated the human kingdoms and brought the world of Nosgoth under his control. Ruling from a castle built on the Pillars of Nosgoth, Kain has established an empire of six vampire clans, each ruled by a lieutenant, the sons of Kain. Raziel was one such lieutenant, but lost his position through the "insolence" of receiving a new evolutionary "dark gift", the growth of feathery wings, before his master had acquired it. Fearing that Raziel might one day surpass him, Kain tears off Raziel's wings in a fit of range and banishes him into the Abyss. There, Raziel is lost in time, died and his body consumed. The Elder God recovers Raziel's soul and rebuilds the broken body, not as a living vampire, but as a strange new creature of the underworld. Swearing revenge on Kain, Raziel now phases seamlessly between Nosgoth and it's underworld, using his new powers to become a terrible reaver of souls...

Soul Reaver is a 3rd person action-adventure title that follows Raziel on his quest to purge the land of vampires and take revenge on Kain and his brothers, leaders of the six clans. The player controls the game from behind Raziel's shoulder, moving him in any direction, climbing, attacking, jumping and using specific abilities. Raziel's can grip onto the edge of ledges and his torn wings allow him to glide gently downwards. Raziel can shift through the "material" world into the "spectral" realm at will... but must find specific locations in order to shift back. The two realms mirror one another, with distortions which give access to new areas and platforms. Existing in the material world drains Raziel's life energy at a constant rate. Throughout the game, energy is recovered by consuming the souls of defeated enemies. If Raziel is able to defeat one of his brothers, he will additionally gain a new ability ("dark gift") upon drinking it's soul. Examples include: the ability to swim, file telekinetic projectiles or the ability to phase through locked gates. Raziel can arm himself with a variety of weapons including spears, daggers, swords, axes, as well as attacking enemies barehanded. Eventually, Raziel will also come across Kain's personal sword (named the Soul Reaver), and will use it to create a powerful energy blade weapon.

The world is left open to Raziel, he can return to areas previously completed and explore the world of Nosgoth at will. Access to certain areas however sometimes requires the use of gained specific abilities. Many of the puzzles the player will need to solve in this quest are "block puzzles", requiring the placement of certain large structures (usually square blocks), either to activate switches or to build access to out-of-reach areas.
Espagnol Soul Reaver tiene a lugar en el mundo ficticio de Nosgoth, en el cual la vida está ligada a nueve pilares llamados Los Pilares de Nosgoth, representados por un guardián cada uno. Anterior a los eventos del juego, estos guardianes fueron corrompidos, y, después de que Kain asesinó a ocho de los guardianes, se percató de que él era el noveno y se negó a sacrificarse para restaurar la pureza de los Pilares, por lo que condenó a Nosgoth a la decadencia eterna. Luego procedió a resucitar a sus seis vampiros lugartenientes, incluyendo a Raziel, para dominar la tierra. Al momento de la secuencia de introducción de Soul Reaver, los vampiros son la especie dominante en la tierra, los humanos han sido diezmados, y cada tribu de vampiros ha reclamado una región de Nosgoth. Elder God (El Dios Mayor en español), una poderosa entidad desconocida por los vampiros, quien controla la Rueda del Destino, es decir, el ciclo de reencarnación de las almas y ya que los vampiros son inmortales, sus almas no giran en la rueda (que es la causa la decadencia del mundo). Raziel es revivido mil años después de la secuencia de introducción del juego y Nosgoth se encuentra al borde de un colapso ecológico total.
Français Kain, mon seigneur et maître me faisait une confiance absolue, et j'étais voué à prendre sa succession ainsi que ses fabuleux pouvoirs.
Mais pour avoir muté avant lui, en acquérant le pouvoir de voler, je fus maudit à jamais et précipité dans le lac des morts. Je me transformais lors de mon passage dans le royaume du-dessous, en un ange noir apportant mort et châtiments, pour resurgir 1000 ans plus tard sur les terres de Nosgoth - territoire de mon ancien maître - plus puissant que jamais, galvanisé par un désir de vengeance et une soif d'une nouvelle sorte: les âmes de mes anciens frères de sang, les vampires.
Italien Raziel, uno dei sei governatori del signore dei vampiri Cain, raggiunse una nuova fase di sviluppo prima del suo maestro ed è stato il primo vampiro a ricevere ali simili a pipistrelli. Caino lo considera presuntuoso, poiché di solito ha il privilegio di essere il primo a subire una metamorfosi e quindi ad aumentare le sue capacità. In un impeto di gelosia, Cain strappa le ossa delle ali di Raziel e lo getta nel vortice delle anime, in cui si dice che Raziel sia in agonia per sempre, perché l'acqua è fatale per i vampiri di Nosgoth. Ma Raziel viene salvato dall'anziano, un'antica divinità che vive nell'abisso, e dotato di nuove abilità. Raziel è ora diventato una specie di angelo della morte; invece del sangue ha sete delle anime delle sue vittime. Spinto dalla sua sete di punizione e dai piani oscuri del vecchio dio, intraprende una campagna di vendetta.
Portugais 1500 anos após Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, a decisão do vampiro Kain no final do jogo finalmente derrotou os reinos humanos e trouxe o mundo de Nosgoth sob seu controle. Governando de um castelo construído sobre os Pilares de Nosgoth, Kain estabeleceu um império de seis clãs de vampiros, cada um governado por um tenente, os filhos de Kain. Raziel foi um desses tenentes, mas perdeu sua posição através da "insolência" de receber um novo "presente sombrio" evolucionário, o crescimento de asas emplumadas, antes que seu mestre o tivesse adquirido. Temendo que Raziel pudesse um dia superá-lo, Kain arranca as asas de Raziel em um ajuste de alcance e o bane para o Abismo. Lá, Raziel se perdeu no tempo, morreu e seu corpo foi consumido. O Elder God recupera a alma de Raziel e reconstrói o corpo quebrado, não como um vampiro vivo, mas como uma estranha nova criatura do submundo. Jurando vingança sobre Kain, Raziel agora muda perfeitamente entre Nosgoth e seu submundo, usando seus novos poderes para se tornar um terrível destruidor de almas ...
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .