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Kung-fu Master
Kung-fu Master - Atari 7800 - Console Atari
General Information
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Kung-fu Master
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Continent Américain
   USA Kung-Fu Master
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Beat'em Up
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Regions Information Proposed by
USA 1989
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Allemand Du bist der Kung-Fu-Meister. Der einzige, der würdig ist, die Herausforderungen zu meistern, die im Tempel des tödlichen Zauberers warten!
Doch bevor du dem Bösen Auge in Auge gegenübertreten kannst, musst du all deine Kampfkünste und deine Schlagfertigkeit einsetzen, um eine Armee von Dämonen, Drachen, Handlangern, Messerwerfern und Kampfakrobaten zu besiegen.
Jede Etage birgt andere Gefahren. Besiegen Sie alle Feinde, um die oberste Ebene zu erreichen. Dort müssen Sie gegen den mächtigen Zauberer kämpfen, um die Prinzessin zu retten. Aber seien Sie schnell! Die Prinzessin fürchtet hoffnungslos um ihr und Ihr Leben.
Anglais A conversion of the arcade game of the same name, which itself is loosely based on a movie, Kung-Fu Master is a side scrolling action game for one or two players, who alternate turns.

Mr. X has captured the pickpocket Sylvia and it is up to Thomas, a kung-fu master who owns a restaurant, to get her back. She is located on the top floor of Mr. X's castle and Thomas will need to fight his way to the top. Of course, this won't be easy as each floor has many opponents to get past and a floor boss at the end of each level.

Thomas is able to move left and right, jump, duck, and punch and kick. Enemy projectiles such as knives can be kicked in the air to rebound them towards the enemy. On the top floor resides Mr. X himself.
Espagnol La hermosa princesa Victoria está aprisionada en el Templo del Mago del Mal. Como Maestro de Kung-Fu, debes liberarla. Desafortunadamente, los cinco tortuosos niveles del Templo están hirviendo de enemigos amenazantes.

Ábrete camino a través de un nivel y comienza el siguiente con un medidor de energía renovado y un temporizador. Una vez que liberas a tu princesa, vuelve al principio donde tus enemigos vuelven más rápido y desagradablemente.
Français Kung-Fu Master est un beat them all développé par Irem. Le joueur incarne Thomas, un maître de Kung Fu, qui se fait attaquer par un groupe d'inconnus qui kidnappent sa petite amie Silvia avant de s'enfuir. Peu après il reçoit une lettre signée par un mystérieux X lui enjoignant de se rendre au temple du démon s'il tient à la vie de Silvia. Il devra affronter les cinq fils du démon avant de pouvoir sauver son amour.
Italien Una conversione dell'omonimo gioco arcade, che a sua volta è vagamente basato su un film, Kung-Fu Master è un gioco d'azione a scorrimento laterale per uno o due giocatori, che si alternano a turni.

Mr. X ha catturato il borseggiatore Sylvia e tocca a Thomas, un maestro di kung-fu proprietario di un ristorante, riaverla. Si trova all'ultimo piano del castello del signor X e Thomas dovrà combattere per raggiungere la cima. Naturalmente, questo non sarà facile poiché ogni piano ha molti avversari da superare e un boss del piano alla fine di ogni livello.

Thomas è in grado di muoversi a destra ea sinistra, saltare, chinarsi e dare pugni e calci. I proiettili nemici come i coltelli possono essere lanciati in aria per rimbalzarli verso il nemico. All'ultimo piano risiede Mr. X in persona!
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .