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Ballblazer - Atari 7800 - Console Atari
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   USA Ballblazer
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USA 01/12/1987
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Allemand Im Jahr 3037 ist die wettbewerbsfähigste Sportart im bekannten Universum Ballblazer. Ballblazer ist ein futuristisches 3D-Fußballspiel, bei dem der Spieler (in einem Rotofoil) auf einem individuellen Spielfeld von 1155 Quadraten (dem Raster) sitzt, das in einer First-Person-Perspektive dargestellt wird. Das Ziel des Spielers ist es, einen schwebenden Ball (Plasmorb) in das Tor des Gegners (Goalbeams) zu werfen. Ein Spieler kann gegen einen menschlichen Gegner oder den Computer antreten. Das Spiel ermöglicht es, gegen den Computer oder gegen einen anderen Menschen zu spielen.
Anglais In the year 3037, the most competitive sport in the known universe is Ballblazer. For the first time ever, humans from the planet Earth have won the right to compete in the final round of the Ballblazer Championship, to fight for Earth's honor and the title Masterblazer!

Ballblazer is a 3D futuristic soccer-like game, where the player (inside a Rotofoil) is set on a one-on-one 1,155 square playing field (the Grid). The objective of the player to kick a floating ball (Plasmorb) inside the opponent's goal (Goalbeams). A player may compete against a human or computer opponent.

The Rotofoil is equipped with a multi-purpose forcefield. This forcefield when in short distance of the Plasmorb will act as a pull field, automatically pulling the Plasmorb towards to player. When a player in possession of the Plasmorb shoots, the forcefield will act as push field and launches the ball. When the match starts, the player must move down field and attempt to gain possession of the Plasmorb using the joystick and blast the Plasmorb to an intended direction.

The player should also be aware that the Goldbeams move slightly every second and the distance between them will shrink. The highest scoring goals are goals made when Goldbeams have disappeared across the horizon (Over The Horizon/OTH shots). A player may also attempt to steal possession of a Plasmorb by rushing beside the opponent and blast the Plasmorb away. The game ends when time runs out or a player wins 10 consecutive goals. If the game ends in a draw, over-time will apply and the first player to score will win the game.


Close-in goals - 1 point
Goals near Goldbeams - 2 points
OTH shots - 3 points
Players may steal points from each other by making goals.
The total combined score of both players cannot accede more than 10 points.
A player winning 10 consecutive points automatically wins the game.
Espagnol Ballblazer es un simple juego de estilo deportivo con similitudes con el baloncesto y el fútbol. Cada lado está representado por una embarcación llamada "rotofoil", que puede ser controlada por un jugador humano o un "droide" controlado por computadora con diez niveles de dificultad. (El juego permite enfrentamientos humanos vs. humanos, humanos contra droides y droides contra droides.) El objetivo básico del juego es ganar puntos al disparar o llevar una pelota flotante al objetivo del oponente. El juego tiene lugar en un campo de juego plano, de tablero de ajedrez, y la mitad de la pantalla de cada jugador se presenta en una perspectiva en primera persona.
Français En l'an 3037, le sport le plus compétitif de l'univers connu est Ballblazer. Ballblazer est un jeu de football futuriste en 3D, dans lequel le joueur (à l'intérieur d'un Rotofoil) est installé sur un terrain de jeu individuel de 1155 carrés (la grille) présenté dans une perspective à la première personne. L'objectif du joueur est de lancer un ballon flottant (Plasmorb) à l'intérieur du but de l'adversaire (Goalbeams). Un joueur peut rivaliser avec un adversaire humain ou l'ordinateur. Le jeu permet de joueur contre l'ordinateur ou contre un autre humain.
Italien Ballblazer è un semplice gioco in stile sportivo con somiglianze con il basket e il calcio. Ogni lato è rappresentato da un'imbarcazione chiamata "rotofoil", che può essere controllata da un giocatore umano o da un "droide" controllato dal computer con dieci livelli di difficoltà. (Il gioco consente incontri umani contro umani, umani contro droidi e droidi contro droidi.) L'obiettivo di base del gioco è segnare punti sparando o portando un hoverball sul bersaglio dell'avversario. Il gioco si svolge su un campo da gioco piatto a scacchiera, con la metà dello schermo di ogni giocatore presentata in una prospettiva in prima persona.
Portugais No ano 3037, o desporto mais competitivo do universo conhecido é o Ballblazer. O Ballblazer é um jogo de futebol 3D futurista, no qual o jogador (dentro de um Rotofoil) é colocado num campo de jogo individual de 1155 quadrados (a grelha) apresentado numa perspectiva de primeira pessoa. O objectivo do jogador é lançar uma bola flutuante (Plasmorb) para a baliza do adversário (Goalbeams). Um jogador pode competir com um adversário humano ou com o computador. O jogo pode ser jogado contra o computador ou contra outro humano.
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .