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Seaquest Dsv
Seaquest Dsv - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
General Information
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Seaquest Dsv
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   USA SeaQuest DSV
Europe SeaQuest DSV
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USA 02/01/1995
Europe 27/07/1995
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Allemand Basierend auf der ersten Staffel der gleichnamigen Fernsehserie ist dein Charakter ein Offizier der UEO: Die United Earth Oceans Organization. Sie beginnen das Spiel in einer Trainingssimulation, die nach erfolgreichem Abschluss Ihre Übergabe an die Crew des seaQuest DSV sicherstellt, wo Sie aufgefordert werden, die gleichen Aufgaben wahrzunehmen. In erster Linie ist es Ihre Aufgabe, das seaQuest Deep Submergence Vessel durch die Unterwasserkarte zu verschiedenen "Missionsgebieten" zu navigieren, wo Sie aufgefordert werden, die Fahrzeuge an Bord zu benutzen, um eine Aufgabe zu erfüllen. Typische Missionen sind Bergungsoperationen, Rettungseinsätze, Entwaffnung von Unterwassersprengstoffen, Vernichtung von Feinden und Erkundung. Schaden von Unterwasser-Eigentum wird von Ihrem Budget abgezogen und die Erfüllung der Ziele fügt hinzu. Das Geld muss verwendet werden, um Waffen nachzufüllen und zusätzliche Fahrzeuge zu kaufen. Unterwasser ist ein gefährlicher Ort.
Anglais Based on the first season of the TV series of the same name, your character is an officer of the UEO: The United Earth Oceans Organization. You begin the game inside a training simulation, which upon successful completion ensures your transfer to the crew of the seaQuest DSV where you will be called upon to perform the same duties.

Primarily, your function is to navigate the seaQuest Deep Submergence Vessel around the underwater map to various 'mission areas' where you will be called upon to use the on board vehicles to accomplish some task. Typical missions include salvage operations, rescue operations, disarmament of underwater explosives, termination of enemies and exploration. Damage of underwater property is deducted from your budget and completion of objectives adds to it. The money must be used to resupply weapons and buy additional vehicles. Underwater is a dangerous place.

The vehicles you have at your command include

1. Speeder: A simple two-man vessel designed entirely for speed. It is also a combat vessel and may fire forwards, move up & down and change orientation between facing left and facing right
2. Stinger: A prototype "next generation" attack vessel, this one-man sub allows you to orientate in any direction to fire your weapon accurately.
3. Sea Crab: A slow vehicle used for excavation, mining, and rescue missions. It is the only vessel that can dock with other vessels and one of only two that can pick up undersea objects for transport. It comes with a water jet to clear debris and a retractable drill
4. Sea Truck: Slow and bulky, this vessel may move up and down and change it's orientation between left and right. It's weapons are torpedoes and mines which may be dropped behind it. Furthermore it can also pick up undersea objects for transport
5. Remote (HR) Probe: Small and agile, this vehicle contains only a very simple weapon. It's main purpose however is underwater welding and repair of objects. It can also activate switches
6. Darwin - Intelligent Dolphin and seaQuest mascot: Darwin the Dolphin is perhaps the most agile of the vehicles, and may take off in bursts of speed. However Darwin has no weapons with which to defend himself and is very vulnerable. Darwin is able to get into tiny spaces that none of the other vehicles can reach. Darwin is able to activate switches.
Espagnol SeaQuest DSV, el submarino más grande y potente del futuro, bajo tu mando. Navega a través de las aguas infestadas de piratas y enfréntate a muchos desafíos. Para tener éxito, debes tomar el control de todos los sistemas de armas y navegación del Seaquest. Explora las profundidades, responde a las llamadas de socorro y utiliza el sistema Whisker para localizar las misiones. Podrás escoger entre la Sonda Hyper-Reality, el delfín Darwin, o cuatro vehículos de lanzamiento diferentes para completar tus misiones. Tendrás que llevar a cabo peligrosos rescates, recuperar tesoros hundidos y, sobre todo, mantener la paz en un mundo submarino con demasiados problemas. El puente es tuyo, capitán.
Français SeaQuest DSV est l'adaptation sur Super Nintendo de la série des années 90, connue en France sous le nom SeaQuest : Police des mers. En 2018, alors que les ressources sur Terre sont épuisées, des colonies humaines vivent dans des cités bâties dans les fonds océaniques. Aux commandes des sous-marins de la SeaQuest, vous êtes chargé de les protéger. La vue varie en fonction des missions et des vaisseaux. Avec le Dolphin, vous aurez une vue de dessus tandis que le Speeder progresse horizontalement.
Italien SeaQuest DSV, il sottomarino più grande e potente del futuro, sotto il tuo comando. Naviga attraverso acque infestate dai pirati e affronta molte sfide. Per avere successo, devi prendere il controllo di tutte le armi e i sistemi di navigazione della Seaquest. Esplora le profondità, rispondi alle chiamate di soccorso e usa il sistema Whisker per localizzare le missioni. Puoi scegliere tra la sonda Hyper-Reality, il delfino Darwin o quattro diversi veicoli di lancio per completare le tue missioni. Dovrai effettuare salvataggi pericolosi, recuperare tesori sommersi e, soprattutto, mantenere la pace in un mondo sottomarino con troppi problemi. Il ponte è tuo, capitano.
Portugais SeaQuest DSV, o maior e mais poderoso submarino do futuro está sob seu comando. Navegue por águas infestadas de piratas e enfrente muitos desafios. Para ter sucesso, você deve assumir o controle de todas as armas e sistemas de navegação do Seaquest. Explore as profundezas, atenda aos pedidos de ajuda e use o sistema Whisker para localizar missões. Você pode escolher entre a Sonda Hyper-Reality, o golfinho de Darwin ou quatro veículos de lançamento diferentes para completar suas missões. Você terá que realizar resgates perigosos, recuperar tesouros afundados e, acima de tudo, manter a paz em um mundo subaquático com muitos problemas.
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .