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Daze Before Christmas
Daze Before Christmas - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
General Information
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Daze Before Christmas
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Europe Daze Before Christmas
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France 1994
Europe 01/11/1994
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Allemand Es war der Tag vor Weihnacht. Santas wekstatt steht still,
weil die faulen Elfen streiken und niemand arbeiten will.

Kein Spielzeug gebastelt, die Elfen sind versteckt.
Und als wär das nicht genug ist auch der Schlitten verreckt.

Er hat einen Trank, der ihn ausrasten lässt.
Rettet wütende der Anti-Claus das Fest?

Im Zorn wirft er dabei sein Spielzeug herum.
Man könnte glatt meinen, Santa wär´ dumm.

24 Levels sind zu bestehen,
um das Fest zu retten und das Ende zu sehen.
Anglais 'Twas but Daze Before Christmas and at Santa's shop work on the toys has suddenly stopped!

The elves are on strike as Christmas draws near,
but much worse than that, there's something to fear!

Give Santa the potion to drink and he'll change, he'll become "Anti Claus" on a rampage of rage!

He'll break all the toys, he'll ignore his good work.
Could it be Santa is just a fat jerk?

You must help Santa find his way, fix all the toys and take off in his sleigh.

Through 24 levels you'll put up a fight.
Can you help save Christmas? Let's find out tonight!
Espagnol La Navidad es una época donde las personas se reúnen, comen y se dan regalos . Pero este año ha habido un problema. Verás... mientras Santa estaba durmiendo en su cama, un malvado y frío muñeco de nieve ha raptado a los elfos y a los renos de Santa Claus. No habrá ningún Navidad si Santa no los recupera.
Français Dans Daze Before Christmas, littéralement "Stupeur avant Noël", vous incarnez le Père Noël. Les elfes et les rennes de Noël ont été capturés par un bonhomme de neige maléfique. Le Père Noël part alors à leur secours en parcourant les paysages de Noël. Il combat ses adversaires en les transformant en cadeau et, en buvant une tasse de chocolat chaud, il se métamorphose en une sorte d'anti-Noël pendant une vingtaine de secondes, durant lesquelles il est invincible.
Italien In Daze Before Christmas, letteralmente "Stupor Before Christmas", interpreti Babbo Natale. Gli elfi e le renne di Natale sono stati catturati da un malvagio pupazzo di neve. Babbo Natale poi va in loro soccorso camminando attraverso i paesaggi natalizi. Combatte i suoi avversari trasformandoli in un dono e, bevendo una tazza di cioccolata calda, si trasforma in una sorta di anti-Natale per una ventina di secondi, durante i quali è invincibile.
Portugais A história começa com um boneco de neve revoltado, um relógio malvadão , um rato bad-boy e um cara que é uma nuvem (???) resolveram sequestrar os anões elfos do Noel e amaldiçoar os presentes que o velhinho ia distribuir para a criançada. Agora o velho Santa utilizará seus poderes mágicos e sua sacolona (eu ia dizer sacão, mas ficaria estranho) para dar cabo dos inimigos, reaver os seus elfos e quebrar a maldição e entregar os presentes antes que o Natal termine. E não duvide do velho!
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .