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Dark Half
Dark Half - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
General Information
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Dark Half
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   Japon Dark Half
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Role playing games
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Regions Information Proposed by
Japon 31/05/1996
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Allemand Durch das Licht kam die Dunkelheit, und durch die Dunkelheit kam das Licht. Sie waren am Anfang unzertrennlich und haben einander geboren: Rukyu erschien vor allen anderen Kreaturen, der große Dämon der Dunkelheit, der später als Satan bekannt wurde. Der göttliche Heldengott Roda ging in sein dunkles Reich, um ihn zu besiegen, wurde aber niedergeschlagen und für tot gehalten. Aber der Held konnte nicht so leicht sterben: Er schwor, Rukyu ein für alle Mal zu besiegen. Währenddessen bleibt Rukyu nicht nur in seinem Reich und wartet auf Roda: Er geht als todbringender Zauberer in die Welt, und er ist auf Roda aus...
Anglais Through the Light came the Darkness, and through the Darkness came the Light. They were inseparable in the beginning, and gave birth to each other. Rukyu appeared before all the other creatures, the great demon of darkness, later to be known as the Satan. The divine hero-god Roda went up to his dark realm to defeat him, but was struck down, and presumed dead. But the hero couldn't die so easily: he swore to defeat Rukyu once and for all. Meanwhile, Rukyu doesn't just stay in his realm, waiting for Roda: he goes out to the world as a death-bringing sorcerer, and he is out for Roda...

The game is quite different from most other RPGs, because it lets you play as both the "good" hero and the villain. The game is divided into chapters, and each chapter is played by either Roda or Rukyu. You switch the two heroes chapter-after-chapter, and lead them to their ultimate battle from two opposite sides. The entire game, including the battles, is viewed from an isometric perspective. The battles are random and turn-based, and the battle field is divided into squares you can position and move your characters on. Both Roda and Rukyu can have party members join them, and both attack mostly with magic. Rukyu uses a special energy called "Soul Power", while Roda cast one-time spells from scrolls he receives after battles.
Espagnol A través de la Luz vino la Oscuridad, y a través de la Oscuridad vino la Luz. Eran inseparables al principio, y se dieron a luz el uno al otro. Rukyu apareció ante todas las demás criaturas, el gran demonio de la oscuridad, que más tarde sería conocido como el Satán. El divino héroe-dios Roda fue a su oscuro reino para derrotarlo, pero fue derrotado, y se presume muerto. Pero el héroe no podía morir tan fácilmente: juró derrotar a Rukyu de una vez por todas. Mientras tanto, Rukyu no solo se queda en su reino, esperando a Roda: sale al mundo como un hechicero traidor de la muerte, y él está fuera de Roda ...
Français Dark Half sorti en 1996 sur Super Nintendo est un jeu centré sur un héros légendaire qui cherche à vaincre le seigneur du démon et ainsi débarrasser le monde des ténèbres. Il y trouvera des villes, des donjons, et une carte du monde. Il y a des rencontres aléatoires et les combats sont au "tour par tour".
Italien Dark Half rilasciato nel 1996 per Super Nintendo è un gioco incentrato su un eroe leggendario che cerca di sconfiggere il signore dei demoni e liberare il mondo dall'oscurità. Troverà città, dungeon e una mappa del mondo. Ci sono incontri casuali e i combattimenti sono "a turni".
Portugais Da Luz veio as Trevas, a das Trevas veio a Luz. Eles eram inseparáveis no início, e deram a luz um ao outro. Rukyu surge antes de todas as outras criaturas, o grande demônio das trevas, depois conhecido como Satan. O divino deus-herói Roda se dirigiu até seu reino das trevas para derrotá-lo, mas foi ferido e acredita-se estar morto. Mas o herói não poderia morrer tão facilmente: ele jurou derrotar Rukyu de uma vez por todas. Enquanto isso, Rukyu não ficou parado em seu reino esperando por Roda: ele se dirige ao nosso mundo na forma de um feiticeiro portador da morte, e está em busca de Roda...
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .