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Dragon Buster
Dragon Buster - NES - Console Nintendo
General Information
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Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Dragon Buster
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   Japon Dragon Buster
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Role playing games
Action RPG
Release date(s)
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Japon 07/01/1987
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Allemand Ein seitlich scrollendes Action-Spiel, in dem der Protagonist "Chlodwig" die von einem Drachen entführte "Prinzessin Celia" rettet. Das Abenteuer findet in Verliesen statt, darunter eine Weggabelung zum Drachenberg sowie Höhlen, Friedhöfe und Türme, in denen Dämonen lauern. Töten Sie die Drachen, die am Zielort, dem Drachenberg, auf Sie warten. Chlodwig schwingt sein Schwert und benutzt den Feuerball mit den Schriftrollen (Zauberbüchern) in seinen Händen. Dies ist ein Spiel, das aufgrund der großen Vielfalt an feindlichen Charakteren, Gegenständen mit verschiedenen Effekten und Techniken wie "Kabutobari" und "vertikales Aufschlitzen" immer noch viele Fans hat.
Anglais "Dragon Buster" is a conversion of Namco's arcade game from 1984. The game is composed of several large levels, each one containing various stages: a cave, a tower, a castle, etc. Your goal in every level is to reach the final stage where you face the level boss. There are often several ways to reach the final stages, and not all stages are necessary to visit. Equipped with a sword, you move through the platform-like stages, clearing them of diverse monsters, collecting power-ups and trying to stay in good health until the level boss, since you can't heal your character between the stages.
Espagnol "Dragon Buster" es una conversión del juego arcade de Namco de 1984. El juego consta de varios niveles grandes, cada uno con varias etapas: una cueva, una torre, un castillo, etc. Tu objetivo en todos los niveles es alcanzar el final. Escenario donde te enfrentas al jefe de nivel. A menudo hay varias formas de llegar a las etapas finales, y no todas las etapas son necesarias. Equipado con una espada, te mueves a través de los escenarios tipo plataforma, limpiándolos de diversos monstruos, recolectando poderes y tratando de mantenerte en buena salud hasta el nivel jefe, ya que no puedes curar a tu personaje entre los estadios.
Français Adapté d'un jeu d'arcade, Dragon Buster est un jeu de rôle sur Famicom. Dans un jeu en scrolling horizontal, vous incarnez un jeune homme dans un univers fantastique qui doit user de la magie et de ces armes pour défendre sa petite amie des dragons et autres ennemis.
Italien "Dragon Buster" è una conversione del gioco arcade di Namco del 1984. Il gioco è composto da diversi livelli di grandi dimensioni, ognuno contenente vari livelli: una grotta, una torre, un castello, ecc. Il tuo obiettivo in ogni livello è raggiungere la finale fase in cui affronti il boss di livello. Spesso ci sono diversi modi per raggiungere le fasi finali e non tutte le fasi sono necessarie per visitarle. Dotato di una spada, ti muovi attraverso le fasi simili a piattaforme, liberandole da diversi mostri, raccogliendo potenziamenti e cercando di rimanere in buona salute fino al boss di livello, poiché non puoi curare il tuo personaggio tra le fasi.
Portugais Adaptado de um jogo de arcade, Dragon Buster é um RPG para Famicom. Em um jogo de rolagem lateral, você joga como um jovem em um universo de fantasia que deve usar magia e essas armas para defender sua namorada de dragões e outros inimigos.
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .