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Kickle Cubicle
Kickle Cubicle - NES - Console Nintendo
General Information
General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Kickle Cubicle
Game name (by Region)
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   Japon Meikyu Jima
Continent Américain
   USA Kickle Cubicle
Europe Kickle Cubicle
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JV:+3 ans
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Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
Europe 1990
USA 01/09/1990
Japon 29/06/1990
Additional information
Play Mode(s)
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Allemand Das Königreich ist mit Eis bedeckt! Und das wird wohl auch so bleiben, wenn Kickle nicht eingreift!
Nun ist der grausame Hexenkönig in das Fantasy-Königreich eingebrochen und hat die Vier Länder mit Eis bedeckt. Er hat sich ihrer Bewohner und ihrer Paläste bemächtigt und sie tief im Eis versteckt. Und nun bereitet sich Kickle, bewaffnet mit seinem eisigen Atem, darauf vor, seine Freunde zu retten.
Kommen Sie und helfen Sie ihm, damit das Königreich nicht länger in einen endlosen Winter gestürzt wird.
Anglais Kickle Cubicle is a Lolo type sliding puzzle game where the Wicked Wizard King covered the kingdom with ice and hid the people and palaces deep within the ice.

Armed with his freezing breath, Kickle sets out to save his friends and attempts to rescue the kingdom from this puzzling predicament of perpetual winter.

Each level has a fixed time limit and enemies that will try and block your progress. The four lands (Garden, Fruit, Cake and Toy) have 17 or 18 puzzles in each. Beat all of those and there is a Special Stage with 30 more challenging puzzles.

Your main options are to move, make a block of ice and slide a block of ice.

Objects appearing in puzzles include:

1. Rock: You cannot go over these but you can use them to stop sliding ice cubes.
Slippery Ice: Enemies can not go there.
Base Rock: These can not be destroyed and enemies generate from them.
Spring: Springs an ice cube across the screen.
Water Hole: You can't fill or walk across these holes in the ice.
Breaker: Shatters ice cubes that strike its corners.
Hammer: Changes ice cube direction and hits enemies.
Power Rock: Hit this and all enemies will freeze.
Espagnol Kickle Cubicle de Nes es un juego de puzzles en el que juega el valiente Kickle. Se debe hacer frente a la bruja malvada que congeló todos los habitantes del reino. Resolver acertijos y completar el nivel antes de que acabe el temporizador.
Français Le royaume est recouvert de glace! Et il a toutes les chances de le rester si Kickle n'intervient pas!
Voilà que le cruel Roi Sorcier s'est introduit dans le Royaume Fantastique et qu'il a recouvert de glace les Quatres Terres. Il s'est emparé de ses habitants et de leurs Palais, et les a cachés au plus profond de la banquise. Et maintenant Kickle, armé de son souffle glacial, se prépare à secourir ses amis.
Venez lui prêter main forte pour que le royaume ne soit plus plongé dans un hiver sans fin.
Italien Kickle Cubicle è un puzzle game a scorrimento di tipo Lolo in cui il Wicked Wizard King ricopriva il regno di ghiaccio e nascondeva le persone e i palazzi nelle profondità del ghiaccio.

Armato del suo alito gelido, Kickle si propone di salvare i suoi amici e tenta di salvare il regno da questa sconcertante situazione di perenne inverno.

Ogni livello ha un limite di tempo fisso e nemici che cercheranno di bloccare i tuoi progressi. Le quattro terre (Giardino, Frutta, Torta e Giocattolo) hanno 17 o 18 puzzle ciascuna. Sconfiggili tutti e c'è una fase speciale con 30 enigmi più impegnativi.

Le tue opzioni principali sono muoverti, creare un blocco di ghiaccio e far scivolare un blocco di ghiaccio.
Portugais Kickle Cubicle é um jogo de quebra-cabeça deslizante do tipo Lolo, onde o Rei Mago Malvado cobriu o reino com gelo e escondeu as pessoas e palácios no fundo do gelo.

Armado com seu hálito gelado, Kickle se propõe a salvar seus amigos e tenta resgatar o reino dessa situação intrigante de inverno perpétuo.

Cada nível tem um limite de tempo fixo e inimigos que tentarão bloquear seu progresso. As quatro terras (Jardim, Frutas, Bolo e Brinquedo) têm 17 ou 18 quebra-cabeças em cada uma. Vença todos eles e há um estágio especial com mais 30 quebra-cabeças desafiadores.

Suas principais opções são mover, fazer um bloco de gelo e deslizar um bloco de gelo.

General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .