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Little Samson
Little Samson - NES - Console Nintendo
General Information
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Little Samson
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   Japon Seirei Densetsu Lickle
Continent Américain
   USA Little Samson
Europe Little Samson
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USA 01/11/1992
Japon 26/06/1992
Europe 18/03/1993
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Allemand Das verrückteste Abenteuer aller Zeiten!
Die Imperiale Schmiede wurde von Ta-Keed, dem Prinzen der Dunkelheit, überfallen! Nur die Besitzer der Magic Bells können seine Armee davon abhalten, das Königreich zu zerstören. Angeführt von dem jungen Bergsteiger Samson ist ein Team von unwahrscheinlichen Helden bereit, den Teufel für immer zu verbannen!
Werden Sie ein feuerspeiender Drache, eine robuste lebende Steinstatue oder eine flinke und schlaue Maus! Durchbohren Sie den Himmel und spucken Sie Feuerbälle mit Kikira dem Drachenlord! Zerschmettern Sie feindliche Truppen mit Ihren Granitfäusten mit Gamm dem Steinlord. Entkommen Sie den letzten der schrecklichen Monster, während Sie mit K.O., der Maus, Bomben abwerfen. Diese Kreaturen bilden mit Samson eine einzigartige und mächtige Allianz, die letzte Hoffnung für die Imperiale Schmiede!
Anglais Ta-Keed, the Prince of Darkness, has managed to escape from his supernatural penitentiary where he has had centuries to plot exactly how he will take revenge on those that locked him away. Emperor Hans sends his troops to deal with this threat, but they are no match for the ultimate evil one. As an alternative, the emperor summons the bearers of 4 Magical Bells. These 4 adventurers must make their way to the castle and work as a team if they are to destroy Ta-Keed.

The first part of Little Samson has each of the 4 characters journeying from his or her home land to the emperor's palace. This gives the player an opportunity to explore that character's unique abilities which will be essential throughout the game.

1. Samson is a human who is reasonably fast and also possesses magnificent rock climbing prowess. He is able to scale walls and hang across ceilings, and also grab onto walls and ceilings while jumping. His offensive option is the ability to shoot bells straight ahead.

2. Kikira is the Dragon Lord. Since she has claws, she does not slip on ice. When she jumps, she can also fly for short bursts. She breathes fire in 2 intensities, depending on how long the player holds down the fire button. Her fireballs spread in arc patterns.

3. Gamm is the Rock Lord. Since he is a living rock he is very strong. So strong in fact that spikes do not hurt him, which is very valuable in a number of situations. He is also very slow and has only a short leap. He has a powerful punch.

4. K.O. is the Mouse Lord. He is tiny which allows him to enter areas that other team members can not. He is also extremely fast and the highest jumper of the team. However, he is the weakest member so he can not sustain very much damage. He has the same wall and ceiling traversal abilities as Samson. Offensively, he can drop time-delay bombs.

When all 4 characters reach the emperor's palace, they all jump into Samson's bell. Actually, Gamm and K.O. quietly jump into Samson's bell; Kikira initially refuses. After a brief fight (with the player controlling Samson), Kikira joins the effort. Throughout the rest of the game, the player can switch between any of the 4 characters by entering the sub-screen. Each character has their own power meter. However, all the characters share lives. If the presently selected character loses all of his or her power, then one life is lost. The player must swap between all 4 characters in order to complete the journey.
Espagnol ¡El imperio Forgy ha sido invadido por ta-Keed, príncipe de la oscuridad! Sólo los dueños de las campanas mágicas pueden detener a sus fuerzas del mal. Encabezado por el joven montañero Samsón, un grupo de héroes imparables se propone extirpar el mal para siempre.

¡Conviértete en un dragón escupe-fuego, un golem de piedra o en un astuto ratón!

¡Alza los cielos y arroja bolas de fuego como Kikira el señor del Dragón! Aplasta tropas enemigas con los puños de granito del golem de piedra y pasa por delante de monstruos peligrosos mientras pones bombas de tiempo siendo un ratón.

¡Estas criaturas se unen a Little Samson para formar una alianza única y poderosa como la última esperanza para el imperio Forgy!
Français La plus folle de toutes les aventures!
La Forge Impériale a été envahie par Ta-Keed le Prince des Ténèbres! Seuls les possesseurs des Cloches Magiques peuvent empêcher son armée de détruire le royaume. Dirigé par le jeune alpiniste, Samson, une équipe de héros improbables est prête à bannir le diable à jamais!
Devenez un dragon cracheur de feu, une solide statue de pierre vivante ou une agile et astucieuse souris! Transpercez le ciel et crachez des boules de feu avec Kikira le Seigneur Dragon! Ecrasez les troupes ennemies de vos poings de granit avec Gamm le Seigneur de la Pierre. Echappez aux derniers terribles monstres tout en posant des bombes avec K.O. la souris. Ces créatures rejoignent Samson pour former une alliance unique et puissante, dernier espoir pour la Forge Impériale!
Italien La più pazza di tutte le avventure!
La Forgia Imperiale è stata invasa da Ta-Keed il Principe delle Tenebre! Solo i proprietari delle Magic Bells possono impedire al suo esercito di distruggere il regno. Guidati dal giovane alpinista Samson, una squadra di improbabili eroi è pronta a scacciare il diavolo per sempre!
Diventa un drago sputafuoco, una robusta statua di pietra vivente o un topo agile e intelligente! Perfora il cielo e sputa palle di fuoco con Kikira il Signore dei Draghi! Schiaccia le truppe nemiche con i tuoi pugni di granito con Gamm il Signore della Pietra. Sfuggi agli ultimi terribili mostri mentre pianti bombe con K.O. il topo. Queste creature si uniscono a Sansone per formare un'alleanza unica e potente, l'ultima speranza della Forgia Imperiale!
Portugais A Forja Imperial foi invadida por Ta-Keed, o Príncipe das Trevas! Somente os donos dos sinos mágicos podem impedir que suas forças destruam o reino. Liderado pelo jovem montanhista, Sansão, uma força de heróis improváveis ​​decide banir o mal para sempre! Torne-se um dragão cuspidor de fogo, uma estátua viva de pedra sólida ou um rato ágil e astuto. Voe pelos céus e cuspa bolas de fogo como Kikira, o Senhor do Dragão! Esmague as tropas inimigas com punhos de granito como Gamm the Rock Lord! Corra atrás de monstros perigosos enquanto prepara bombas-relógio como K.O. o rato! Essas criaturas se juntam a Little Samson para formar uma aliança única e poderosa como a última esperança para a Imperial Forgy!
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .