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Secret Agent
Secret Agent - Data East Classics - Arcade Data East
General Information
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Secret Agent
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Continent Américain
   USA Sly Spy
Monde Secret Agent
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Shooter / Run and Gun
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Monde 1989
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Allemand Sly Spy muss Terroristen davon abhalten, Teile der Stadt zu zerstören. Etwa die Hälfte der Level sind Side-Scrolling-Level, die von dem Spiel Green Beret beeinflusst wurden. Es gibt Bösewichte zu erledigen und Kugeln zu vermeiden, mit Kisten, auf die man klettern kann, und strategischen Positionen, von denen aus man aus der Deckung schießen kann.
Im ersten Level geht es darum, mit dem Fallschirm am Bildschirm herunterzufallen und die Agenten zu erschießen, während sie fallen. Danach folgt eine Verfolgungsjagd mit dem Motorrad, bei der Sie auf die Agenten schießen und ihnen ausweichen müssen. Es folgen zwei Unterwasserlevel, in denen Sie weitere Gegner und einige Haie abschießen müssen. Bevor es zum finalen Showdown zwischen mehreren Gegnern in einer Raketenfabrik voller Schurken kommt.
Anglais Secret Agent is a side-scrolling platform shoot-em-up which the player takes on the role of a James Bond-esque secret agent who must fight his way through a terrorist group called 'CWD' to reach the final Boss confrontation and prevent a stolen nuclear missile being launched.

The player starts the game armed only with a pistol, and this has a limited amount of ammunition. Once the ammo has run out, players can only kick their enemies. Machine guns are occasionally dropped by defeated enemies and can be picked up and used. Also, Golden Gun components are sometimes dropped; there are six of these in total and once all have been collected, the player is rewarded with a very powerful golden rifle. This weapon kills all enemies instantly but will only last for twenty-five seconds, indicated by a meter at the top-right of the screen.

Most of the game's eight stages are platform-based, but there are also two underwater scuba levels and a motorbike chase. All of the game's end-of-level bosses reappear on the final 'underground lair' level.

While not officially licensed as a James Bond game, Secret Agent is unmistakably meant to represent both the Bond character and movie series. The Bond villain Jaws shows up at the end of stage two and another famous Bond villain, Odd Job also appears. Another memorable Bond reference is the use of a Shaun Connery impersonator who tells players that they have done a Great job upon completion of a level.
Espagnol En el papel de un agente secreto inspirado en James Bond, tu misión es detener a toda costa a una organización terrorista llamada Consejo para la Dominación Mundial. Después de recibir el informe, se le lleva por aire al lugar donde comienza la acción. Saltando del avión, caes libremente a la zona de aterrizaje. Varios tipos malos se unen a tu posición e intentan eliminarte. Un aterrizaje exitoso conduce a ocho niveles de advertencia que incluyen escenas como obras de construcción, fábricas, acción submarina y una persecución en moto.
Français Secret Agent est un shoot-em-up à défilement horizontal où le joueur tient le rôle d'un agent secret qui doit combattre un groupe terroriste.
Le joueur commence avec un simple pistolet et un nombre limité de munitions, mais pourra se procurer d'autres armes par la suite sur des ennemis vaincus.
La plupart des niveaux sont de type plateforme, mais une chasse à moto et des plongées sous-marines sont aussi présentes.
Le jeu n'est pas officiellement licencié James Bond mais les références sont évidentes; tant du point de vue du personnage principal que des boss rencontrés.
Italien Nei panni di un agente segreto ispirato a James Bond, la vostra missione è fermare a tutti i costi un'organizzazione terroristica chiamata Consiglio per il dominio del mondo. Dopo aver ricevuto il briefing, si viene trasportati in aereo nel luogo in cui inizia l'azione. Saltando dall'aereo, si cade in caduta libera verso la zona di atterraggio. Diversi cattivi si uniscono alla vostra posizione e cercano di eliminarvi. Un atterraggio riuscito porta a otto livelli di avvertimento che includono scene come cantieri, fabbriche, azioni subacquee e un inseguimento in moto.
Portugais No papel de um agente secreto inspirado em James Bond, a tua missão é deter a todo o custo uma organização terrorista chamada Council for World Domination. Depois de receberes as instruções, és transportado de avião para o local onde a ação começa. Salta do avião e cai em queda livre até à zona de aterragem. Vários bandidos juntam-se à tua posição e tentam eliminar-te. Uma aterragem bem sucedida conduz a oito níveis de aviso que incluem cenas como locais de construção, fábricas, ação subaquática e uma perseguição de motas.
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .