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Punch-Out!! (NES)
Punch-Out!! (NES) - Wii - Console Nintendo
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Punch-Out!! (NES)
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Continent Américain
   USA Punch-Out!!
   Allemagne Punch-Out!!
   Espagne Punch-Out!!
   France Punch-Out!!
   Italie Punch-Out!!
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Sports / Boxing
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France 22/05/2009
USA 18/05/2009
Europe 22/05/2009
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Split-screen Multiplayer
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Allemand Ring frei für Punch-Out!!Little Mac und seine Boxer-Gang lassen jetzt auch auf Wii die Fäuste fliegen.Die Spannung steigt, die Champions halten Einzug, Gong! und schon tobt der Saal. Mit Punch-Out!! erlebt jetzt ein legendäres Boxspiel sein Comeback. Alle virtuellen Boxstars von einst sind mit dabei: von Little Mac über Glass Joe bis Von Kaiser. Ihre Technik war noch nie so ausgefeilt - dank fantastischer Action, farbenfroher Boxring-Animationen, vor allem aber dank der bewegungsgesteuerten Wii.Auf den Konsolen NES und Super Nintendo hat Punch-Out!! eine makellose Rekordserie ohne Niederlagen hingelegt. Nun sorgt Nintendo auf Wii für eine Neuauflage der Fights von Little Mac, der sich von den Hinterhöfen der Bronx bis zur Weltmeisterschaft durchboxen will. Der Spieler, der in seine Rolle schlüpft, begegnet dabei wieder all den beliebten Fieslingen der World Video Boxing Association, die er nacheinander auf die Bretter schicken muss. Die internationale Boxer-Riege vereint so irre Typen wie Von Kaiser, King Hippo und Doc Louis.Punch-Out!! bietet aber nicht nur die innovative Bewegungssteuerung, wie sie nur Wii ermöglicht, sondern auch die klassische Variante. Freunde von Retro-Spielen können die Wii-Fernbedienung auch mit beiden Händen halten und sie wie einen früheren NES-Controller benutzen.
Anglais One of the biggest names in boxing returns after a 15-year hiatus. In Punch-Out!! you play as young up-and-coming fighter Little Mac who, with the help of his ringside trainer Doc Lewis, is working his way through the ranks of a wide variety of boxing caricatures, each with their own patterns of attacks. Grab a Wii Remote controller in one hand and a Nunchuk controller in the other and step back into the ring with a modern update of the classic Punch-Out!!Little Mac Is BackEveryone?s favorite underdog from the 1980s joins the best of the original Punch-Out!! cast in a modern re-imagining of the series. Players will find familiar names like Glass Joe, King Hippo and trainer Doc Louis. These boxers come to life again in cell-shaded 3-D, complete with hilarious fighting animations and back stories that capture all the fun and flair of the original Punch-Out!! games.The Wii's Motion SensitivityThe motion-sensitive controls of the Wii console mean that when players throw punches, Little Mac throws punches as well. Additionally, you can control hooks and jabs by combining motion control with control-stick movement. The motion-sensing Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers turn real-life swings into on-screen punches, so anyone can play. The game can also be played with classic NES-style controls by turning the Wii Remote sideways.CharactersPunch-Out!! features a total of 13 opponents for Little Mac to step into the ring with. 12 of which are returning from previous games in the Punch-Out!! series. Each has their own back story and patterns of attacks to learn and learns to counter. Just a few of the characters you can expect to see are:Little MacSmall but extremely game, Little Mac is a young, up-and-coming fighter, who with the help of his trainer, ex-champion Doc Lewis, has set his sights on working his way through the ranks.Glass JoeA fearful French fighter due to his extremely weak chin, Glass Joe will crumple to the mat quickly with just a few well-placed shots, making him an easy mark and a good warm-up for the fighters to follow.King HippoKing Hippo is both huge and an immensely powerful fighter, but can be weakened with the right combinations to the head and body, giving you time to go for the knockout if you can survive his onslaught.Von KaiserAn old-timey fighter whose rumored childhood difficulties have left him eager to dish out punishment in the ring, Von Kaiser is a dangerous opponent, but one who will turn tail if you can find his weakness.Special AttacksPlayers can obtain special 'Star Punches,' which allow Little Mac to take more health from his rival in a single punch. Players can now use multiple stars in a single punch for an extra-powerful attack.Controller OptionsPunch-Out!! features multiple controller options. For players looking to take advantage of the Wii's motion control capabilities, Punch-Out!! uses the Wii Remote and Nunchuck controllers to simulate throwing punches. Use the Nunchuck to throw a left punch and the Wii Remote to throw a right punch. Fans of the NES version and core gamers will be excited to see Nintendo has also included the option to play Punch-Out!! using the classic layout from the original NES controller. Use the 1 and 2 buttons along with the cross pad to throw hooks and jabs or to dodge.
Espagnol Te has estado preparando especialmente para este momento. Tu velocidad ha aumentado, tu movimiento de piernas ha mejorado y esa derecha ahora es demoledora. Tras más de diez años de retiro, ya es hora de que vuelvas al cuadrilátero de Punch-Out!!! ¿Te atreves, campeón?
Français Punch-Out!! sur Wii est un remake du jeu de boxe sorti sur NES dans les années 80. De nombreuses améliorations ont néanmoins été apportées: les graphismes aux couleurs BD ont été améliorés et la jouabilité tire partie du combo Wiimote-Nunchuk. Un mode 2 joueurs en écran partagé est aussi de la partie.
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .