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Maniac Mansion - Day of the Tentacle
Maniac Mansion - Day of the Tentacle - PC Dos - Ordinateur Microsoft
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Maniac Mansion - Day of the Tentacle
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Continent Américain
   USA Maniac Mansion : Day of the Tentacle
Europe Maniac Mansion : Day of the Tentacle
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Adventure / Point and Click
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Europe 1993
USA 1993
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Maniac Mansion
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Maniac Mansion 2
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Allemand Day of the Tentacle beginnt fünf Jahre nach den Geschehnissen von Maniac Mansion. Purpur-Tentakel trinkt von den giftigen Abwässern des Edison-Labors, was ihm spontan kümmerliche Arme wachsen lässt. Jetzt wähnt es sich in der Lage, die Weltherrschaft an sich zu reißen. Der verrückte Wissenschaftler Dr. Fred Edison hat darauf auch Grün-Tentakel festgesetzt. Dieser bittet seine Freunde um Hilfe: den Physik-Freak Bernard, den Heavy-Metal-Roadie Hoagie und die Medizinstudentin Laverne. Versehentlich befreit Bernard jedoch auch Purpur-Tentakel, der nun entkommen kann. Edison schickt die drei Freunde mittels einer von ihm entwickelten Zeitmaschine 24 Stunden in die Vergangenheit, um Purpur-Tentakels Mutation zu verhindern. Die Zeitreise schlägt jedoch fehl, wodurch Hoagie 200 Jahre in der Vergangenheit landet. Laverne verschlägt es 200 Jahre in die Zukunft, in der die Tentakel die Welt beherrschen, während Bernard in der Gegenwart bleibt. Zusammen müssen sie die Welt retten!
Anglais Purple Tentacle, one of the crazy Dr. Fred's creations, drinks contaminated water from Dr. Fred's Sludge-o-matic. He mutates into an insane genius and grows arms, and now he's plotting to take over the world. In an effort to stop him, Dr. Fred sends three friends, Bernard, Hoagie and Laverne back in time to yesterday, in order for them to turn off the Sludge-o-matic and stop the sludge from spilling into the river, thus preventing the whole incident. Naturally, the cheap doctor uses a fake diamond over a real one in his time machine, which blows up sending Hoagie 200 years into the past and Laverne 200 years into the future.

Now you must bring back Hoagie and Laverne, with the help of the time machine's ability to move objects between time periods, and then stop evil Purple from taking over the world.

Day of the Tentacle is a point-and-click adventure game and a sequel to Maniac Mansion. The player controls Bernard, and later also Hoagie and Laverne, being able to switch between them at any time. By using the commands at the bottom of the screen, the character can pick up items, use them on other things, talk to people and more. Any of the three friends can also send his items across time to another friend.

The game takes place in the same building, but in three different eras, and thus affecting history takes a vital part in some puzzles. For instance, Hoagie can hide a bottle of wine in the XVIIIth century, and Laverne discovers the bottle in the XXIIIth century - but by then, the wine has already turned into vinegar.
Espagnol Con gráficos de dibujos animados y musiquilla pegadiza, El Día del Tentáculo ofrece una historia original, paranoica como pocas y muy divertida, siendo la secuela de Maniac Mansion. En el desarrollo de la historia las acciones del pasado, del presente y del futuro se habrán de coordinar gracias a las acciones de Bernard (presente), Hoagie (que acaba en el pasado) y Laverne (que viaja a un futuro lleno de tentáculos...) para impedir la inminente conquista del mundo por los malvados tentáculos, encabezados por el ambicioso tentáculo morado.
Français Purple Tentacle, l'une des créations folles du Dr Fred, boit de l'eau contaminée du Sludge-o-matic. Il se transforme en un génie fou et fait pousser des armes, et maintenant, il complote pour conquérir le monde. Dans un effort pour l'arrêter, le Dr Fred envoie trois amis, Bernard, Hoagie et Laverne dans le temps, la veille, afin qu'ils éteignent le Sludge-o-matic et empêchent la boue de se déverser dans la rivière, empêchant ainsi tout l'incident. Naturellement, le médecin bon marché utilise un faux diamant à la place d'un vrai dans sa machine à voyager dans le temps, ce qui transporte Hoagie 200 ans dans le passé et Laverne 200 ans dans le futur.
Portugais Com gráficos de desenho animado e música cativante, The Day of the Tentacle oferece uma história original, paranóica como poucas e muito divertida, sendo a sequência de Maniac Mansion. No desenvolvimento da história, as ações do passado, presente e futuro deverão ser coordenadas graças às ações de Bernard (presente), Hoagie (que vai parar no passado) e Laverne (que viaja para um futuro cheio de tentáculos. ..) para evitar a conquista iminente do mundo pelos tentáculos do mal, liderados pelo ambicioso tentáculo roxo.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .