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R-type - Master System - Console SEGA
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   Japon R-Type
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   USA R-Type
Europe R-Type
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Shoot'em Up / Horizontal
Shoot'em Up
Release date(s)
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Europe 1988
USA 01/12/1988
Japon 01/10/1988
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Allemand R-TYPE – einer der beliebtesten Arcade-Shooter aller Zeiten in einer pixelgenauen Umsetzung! Zerstörte POW-Kapseln setzen eines von sechs verschiedenen Extra-Items zum Aufrüsten des eigenen R-9-Jägers frei. Die Force, ein hoch entwickeltes Angriffsmodul, ist ein unerlässliches Hilfsmittel im Kampf gegen die außerirdische Bedrohung: Geschickte Piloten koppeln sie von ihrem R-9 ab und schicken sie auf Gegnerjagd oder bestücken sie mit zahlreichen Extrawaffen wie Reflektor-Laser, Luft-Boden- oder Flugabwehrraketen. Ein längerer Druck auf den Feuerknopf aktiviert die Beam-Kanone: Wer es schafft, diese mächtige Wunderwaffe lange genug aufzuladen, entfesselt einen Energiestoß, in dem jeder Widerstand verglüht! Die unbestrittenen Höhepunkte dieses Meisterwerks sind die bildschirmfüllenden Endgegner und der legendäre dritte Level, in dem der Spieler allein gegen ein monströses Schlachtschiff bestehen muss.
Anglais R-Type is a side scrolling shoot 'em up best known for its extremely tough and strategic gameplay. You control the R-9 spaceship as it launches a last-ditch effort to repel the evil Bydo empire.

The R-9 comes equipped as standard with a small gun which can only take down the smallest of enemies without firing several shots. By holding down the fire button, it can be loaded up so as to release a large burst of energy, eliminating all but the strongest enemies in its path. From time to time, pods will come flying in your direction. Upon being shot, they release an upgrade. The first one will invariably be the one called "The Force", which is a weapons pod that clings either to the front or the back of your ship, absorbing any enemy bullets or acting as a bumper with which you can fly head-on into them. You can also use it as an offensive weapon by firing it and pulling it back in. Mastering the Force is vital to surviving in R-Type, since it must be used both as protection against bullet clusters, as a remote controlled cannon, and in order to clear the screen from obstacles. Other upgrades give you target-seeking missiles or a bigger main gun. Different gun types, differentiated by their colour, serve different purposes. The blue one sends laser beams bouncing across the screen (good for tunnels), the red one fires straight ahead, and the yellow one follows any walls it may encounter (good for artillery emplacements).

The stages of R-Type are made in an organic style, certainly inspired by H. R. Giger's artwork for the Alien movies. When it came out, it was considered trend-setting since it broke off from the stereotypical sci-fi mould of other shoot'em'ups. In part, the levels themselves are your enemy, which is exemplified by the fourth, where spider-like creatures weave webs that cover the screen and block your path, or levels with intricate tunnel systems. Still, the levels are best handled with a combination of strategy and reflexes, without the memorisation that is required of R-Type's contemporary rival, Gradius.
Espagnol ¡Se trata de usted contra las criaturas del malvado Imperio Bydo! Pilote la cosmonave supersecreta R-9 a través de oleadas de alienígenas y sus mortíferas máquinas de guerra.
Français R-Type sur Master System est un shoot'em up retraçant les guerres intersidérales entre les terriens et l'empire Bydo. Vous contrôlez un vaisseau spatial, le R 9 et débutez armé d'un simple canon apte pour détruire les ennemis les plus fragiles. Par la suite, vous installez différents canons sur votre vaisseau, chacun étant recommandé pour un type de structure particulière.
Italien R-Type è uno sparatutto a scorrimento laterale noto per il suo gameplay estremamente duro e strategico. Sei tu che controlli l'astronave R-9 mentre lancia un ultimo disperato tentativo di respingere il malvagio impero Bydo.
Portugais A Galáxia está à beira do colapso, pois criaturas diabólicas do Império Bydo estão tentando invadir e conquistar nosso Planeta. Só há uma esperança para a vitória. E a liga de defesa da Terra escolheu você para pilotar o R-9, uma poderosíssima nave de combate espacial. São 8 fases de muita ação, onde você terá que usar sua poderosa pistola de plasma para destruir o exército inimigo e suas máquinas mortíferas. Eles são terríveis, e vão deixar você de cabelo em pé.
Mas, a Terra depende de você, por isso, aperte o cinto e dedo no gatilho!
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .