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New Rally X
New Rally X - Namco Classics - Arcade Namco
General Information
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New Rally X
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Monde New Rally X
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Racing, Driving
Action / Labyrinth
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Regions Information Proposed by
Monde 1981
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Rally X
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Allemand New Rally-X ist ein labyrinthbasiertes Scrolling-Rennspiel, in dem der Spieler einen Rennwagen fährt und zehn gelbe Flaggen einsammeln muss, bevor der Treibstoff des Autos ausgeht. Die Gegner bestehen aus roten feindlichen Autos, die das Auto des Spielers verfolgen und versuchen, es zu rammen und zu zerstören. Feinde bewegen sich schneller als das Fahrzeug des Spielers.
Das Auto des Spielers bewegt sich automatisch in die Richtung, in die der Joystick gedrückt wird. Wenn es gegen eine Wand stößt, dreht es sich automatisch und fährt weiter. Um die Verfolgung feindlicher Autos zu stören, kann hinter dem Auto des Spielers eine Nebelwand aktiviert werden, die jedes verfolgende Fahrzeug zum Absturz bringt. Die Aktivierung der Nebelwand verbraucht eine kleine Menge Treibstoff, daher sollten Spieler darauf achten, sie nicht zu häufig zu verwenden.
Anglais New Rally-X is a scrolling, overhead mazed-based racing game in which the player drives a racing car around a maze and must collect ten yellow flags before the car's fuel runs out. In-game opponents consist of red enemy cars that pursue and try to ram into and destroy the player's car. The enemy cars are faster moving than the player's vehicle.

The player's car automatically moves in whichever direction the joystick is pushed and if it runs into a wall, it will turn automatically and continue moving. To disrupt the chasing enemy cars a smoke-screen can be activated that trails behind the player's car, causing any pursuing vehicles to crash. Activating the smoke screen uses a small amount of fuel, however, so players must be careful to not overuse it.

Each maze also has rock formations and crashing into these will result in the loss of a player car. A radar display to the right-hand side of the playing area shows the relative positions of the flags, rocks and enemy vehicles.

In addition to the standard ten flags, each maze also contains a special flag (indicated by the letter "S"). If collected, the value earned for the round's remaining flags doubles from 100 to 200 points. If the player dies before the end of that round, the flag value is set back to 100 points and the double bonus is lost.

The mazes also contain a 'lucky flag'. This is marked with the letter 'L' and - providing there are still standard flags remaining - awards the player extra points for remaining fuel, after which the round will continue as normal. Upon completion of a round, bonus points are awarded based on how much fuel the player has remaining.

As players progress through the rounds, the number or pursuing enemy cars increases.
Français New Rally-X est un jeu de course à défilement basé sur un labyrinthe dans lequel le joueur conduit une voiture de course et doit collecter dix drapeaux jaunes avant que le carburant de la voiture ne soit épuisé. Les adversaires consistent en des voitures ennemies rouges qui poursuivent et tentent de percuter et de détruire la voiture du joueur. Les ennemies se déplacent plus rapidement que le véhicule du joueur.

La voiture du joueur se déplace automatiquement dans la direction dans laquelle le joystick est poussé et si elle se heurte à un mur, elle tournera automatiquement et continuera à se déplacer. Pour perturber les voitures ennemies qui chassent, un écran de fumée peut être activé derrière la voiture du joueur, provoquant le crash de tout véhicule poursuivant. L'activation de l'écran de fumée utilise une petite quantité de carburant, donc les joueurs doivent faire attention à ne pas en abuser.
Italien New Rally-X è un gioco di macchine 8-bit con visuale dall'alto, nel quale bisogna recuperare tutte le bandierine gialle posizionate in un labirinto. Come ostacoli ci saranno avversari che cercheranno di fermarci battendoci contro, massi posizionati lungo il percorso e tempo limite (benzina).L'auto non si ferma e non si può sbattere contro i muri, la macchina proseguirà in una delle direzioni possibili se non viene spostato il joystick.Per tenere gli avversari a distanza si può utilizzare del fumo premendo il tasto del joystick, ma questo farà calare di molto la benzina, quindi è un'arma da usare con parsimonia. Due delle bandiere da prendere sono particolari: la "S" che permette il raddoppio dei punti e la "L" che regala tanti punti quanta è la benzina rimasta. Se un giocatore fallisce durante un tentativo dopo aver preso la bandiera "S" i punteggi torneranno normali. Più si va avanti e più la difficoltà cresce (più avversari, più rocce e strade meno agevoli).
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .