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Allemand |
Gear Works ist das ultimative Puzzlespiel, das leicht zu erlernen, aber unmöglich zu meistern ist. Machen Sie sich auf den Weg, viele Zahnräder herzustellen, während Sie Uhren an 12 Wahrzeichen der Welt erschaffen, indem Sie diese Zahnräder in den richtigen Mustern miteinander verbinden. Achten Sie auf Rost und oxidierende Feinde, die versuchen, Ihre mechanischen Kreationen zu zerstören, und Sie könnten zum außergewöhnlichen Kunstmeister werden. |
Anglais |
This top-down puzzle game starts with a screen featuring a number of red cogs at different parts of the screen, and a grid of pegs (which become less complete on later levels). Your task on each level is to use a number of gears of one of 3 different sizes to ensure that all the pegs are linked together. All this has to be completed before the engine overheats.
Making life harder are two creatures with the peculiar name ‘Poffins’. One of these goes around removing pegs, and the other causes the engine to overheat further. They can be shot out of the way, or have gears placed over them to stop them.
There’s also a bonus round, which is a fruit machine, only with cogs and other things from the game rather than fruit. |
Espagnol |
Gear Works es el último juego de rompecabezas que es fácil de aprender pero imposible de dominar. Ponte en marcha para fabricar muchos engranajes mientras creas relojes en 12 monumentos mundiales conectando estas ruedas dentadas juntas en los patrones correctos. Ten cuidado con el óxido y los enemigos oxidantes que intentarán destruir tus creaciones mecánicas y podrías convertirte en el extraordinario maestro de artes. |
Français |
Gear Works est un puzzle-game sur Game Gear dans lequel le but est de transformer 12 monuments connus en horloge. Pour ce faire, il faut placer judicieusement des rouages venant d'un générateur. |
Italien |
Questo gioco di puzzle dall'alto verso il basso inizia con uno schermo con un numero di ingranaggi rossi in diverse parti dello schermo e una griglia di pioli (che diventano meno completi nei livelli successivi). Il tuo compito in ogni livello è usare un numero di ingranaggi di una di 3 diverse dimensioni per assicurarti che tutti i pioli siano collegati insieme. Tutto questo deve essere completato prima che il motore si surriscaldi. |
Portugais |
Gear Works é um jogo de puzzle Game Gear cujo objetivo é transformar 12 monumentos famosos em um relógio. Para isso, é necessário posicionar criteriosamente as engrenagens provenientes de um gerador. |