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Sonic Heroes
Sonic Heroes - Playstation 2 - Console Sony
General Information
General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Sonic Heroes
Game name (by Region)
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   Japon Sonic Heroes
Continent Américain
   USA Sonic Heroes
Europe Sonic Heroes
   Australie Sonic Heroes
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JV:+3 ans
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Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
France 06/02/2004
USA 27/01/2004
Japon 30/12/2003
Additional information
Play Mode(s)
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Allemand Im Dutzend heldenhafter! Mit "Sonic Heroes" feiert der blaue Igel sein Videospiel-Comeback und bringt gleich noch elf Freunde mit. Denn diesmal stürzt sich Sonic in einem 3er Team ins Abenteuer, wobei zwischen den Charakteren bequem per Tastendruck gewechselt wird. Jede Figur verfügt über spezielle Eigenarten und Spezialattacken, die für das Vorankommen im Spiel hilfreich oder gar unerlässlich sind. So kann Sonic natürlich geschwind laufen und Fuchs-Freund Tails fliegen, während Knuckles sich ganz auf seine Kraft verlässt - Kombinationsgabe und Teamgeist sind also beim Meistern der vielfältigen Aufgaben gefragt.
Anglais Sonic Heroes is a 3D action-platformer in which the player takes control of a team of 3 characters, each with a special ability - speed, fly and power. The objective of the game is to race through levels as quickly as possible whilst defeating enemies and collecting rings. Your time, rings and enemies defeated make up a point system, and more points mean a higher rank on the level. There are 4 teams of characters each with their own changes to the gameplay:
Team Sonic is the intermediate difficulty featuring Sonic (speed), Tails (fly) and Knuckles (power).
Team Shadow is the hard difficulty featuring Shadow (speed), Rogue (fly) and E-123 Omega (power).
Team Rose is the easy difficulty featuring Amy (speed), Cream (fly) and Big (power).
Team Chaotix features new mission-based objectives with Espio (speed), Charmy (fly) and Vector (power).
Espagnol En Sonic Heroes, tendrás que elegir entre uno de los cuatro equipos de personajes del juego:

Equipo Sonic: Sonic, Tails y Knuckles
Equipo Dark: Shadow, Rouge y Omega
Equipo Chaotix: Espio, Charmy y Vector
Equipo Rosa: Amy, Cream y Big

Cada personaje tiene sus propias características especiales: velocidad, vuelo y potencia.

El juego te ofrece los mismos 14 niveles con cada uno de los cuatro equipos con algunas diferencias: cortos y fáciles con el Equipo Rosa, misiones completas con el Equipo Chaotix o largos y difíciles con el Equipo Oscuro.

También puedes hacerte con llaves que, una vez completado el nivel, te permitirán acceder a una fase especial que te permitirá obtener vidas extra y una Esmeralda del Caos.

Gráficamente, los entornos son bonitos (playa, casino, bosque) y coloridos, los personajes bien modelados con una animación lograda.
Français Dans Sonic Heroes, vous devrez choisir entre l'une des quatre équipes de personnages que comporte le jeu :

Team Sonic : Sonic, Tails et Knuckles
Team Dark : Shadow, Rouge et Omega
Team Chaotix : Espio, Charmy et Vector
Team Rose : Amy, Cream et Big

Chaque personnages dispose de ses propres particularités : Speed, Fly et Power.

Le jeu vous propose les mêmes 14 niveaux avec chacune des quatre équipes à quelques différences près : courts et faciles avec la Team Rose, accomplir des missions avec la Team Chaotix ou bien longs et difficiles avec la Team Dark.

Vous pourrez également mettre la main sur des clés qui, une fois le niveau terminé, vous permettront d'accéder à une étape spéciale vous permettant d'obtenir des vies supplémentaires et une Émeraude du Chaos.

Graphiquement, les environnements sont beaux (balnéaire, casino, forestier) et colorés, les personnages bien modélisés avec une animation réussie.
Italien In Sonic Heroes, dovrete scegliere tra una delle quattro squadre di personaggi presenti nel gioco:

Team Sonic: Sonic, Tails e Knuckles
Team Dark: Shadow, Rouge e Omega
Squadra Chaotix: Espio, Charmy e Vector
Squadra Rose: Amy, Cream e Big

Ogni personaggio ha le sue caratteristiche speciali: velocità, volo e potenza.

Il gioco offre gli stessi 14 livelli con ciascuna delle quattro squadre, con alcune differenze: brevi e facili con la squadra Rose, missioni complete con la squadra Chaotix o lunghe e difficili con la squadra Dark.

È inoltre possibile ottenere delle chiavi che, una volta completato il livello, permettono di accedere a una fase speciale che consente di ottenere vite extra e uno Smeraldo del Caos.

Graficamente, gli ambienti sono belli (mare, casinò, foresta) e colorati, i personaggi ben modellati con un'animazione ben riuscita.
Portugais Em Sonic Heroes, terá de escolher entre uma das quatro equipas de personagens do jogo:

Equipa Sonic: Sonic, Tails e Knuckles
Team Dark: Sombra, Rouge e Ómega
Equipa Chaotix: Espio, Charmy e Vector
Equipa Rose: Amy, Cream e Big

Cada personagem tem as suas características especiais: Velocidade, Voo e Poder.

O jogo oferece-lhe os mesmos 14 níveis com cada uma das quatro equipas com algumas diferenças: curto e fácil com Team Rose, missões completas com Team Chaotix ou longas e difíceis com Team Dark.

Pode também deitar as mãos a chaves que, uma vez concluído o nível, lhe permitirão aceder a uma etapa especial que lhe permitirá obter vidas extra e uma Esmeralda do Caos.

Em termos gráficos, os ambientes são bonitos (à beira-mar, casino, floresta) e coloridos, as personagens bem modeladas com uma animação de sucesso.
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .