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Bronkie The Bronchiasaurus
Bronkie The Bronchiasaurus - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
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Bronkie The Bronchiasaurus
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Continent Américain
   USA Bronkie the Bronchiasaurus
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USA 01/09/1995
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Allemand Wer glaubt, dass die Dinosaurier durch einen Meteoriteneinschlag ausgelöscht wurden, hat wahrscheinlich noch nicht Bronkie the Bronchiasaurus gespielt. Durch den Staub, den der Meteorit aufgewirbelt hat, sind die Dinos nämlich an Asthma erkrankt. Eure Aufgabe ist es fortan, die prähistorische Stadt San Sauran mit einer großen Windmaschine vom fiesen Feinstaub zu befreien. Die benötigten Teile für dieses Gerät findet ihr jedoch nur, wenn ihr bei den Einwohnern Fragen über Asthma richtig beantwortet. Abseits der Quiz-Fragen habt ihr es mit einem durchschnittlichen Plattformer zu tun.
Anglais Years ago, meteors struck San Saurian, filling the air with thick and filthy dust. So a mighty wind machine was made to help everyone breathe. But Mr. Rexo has stolen the parts for the machine, forcing other dinosaurs to guard the pieces!

You must help Bronkie and Rexo find the lost machine pieces by blowing away dust with your lungs, and hitting enemies with your dusters, before the dust returns and everyone chokes on the dust! But don't run into cigarrette smoke or dust storms, otherwise your vision will get darker, and you'll have a hard time finding out where to go, running into enemies all around!

Along the way you'll learn about asthma and how to prevent it, as well as how to react if you're suffering from an asthma attack.
Espagnol ¡Debes ayudar a Bronkie y Rexo a encontrar las piezas de la máquina perdida soplando el polvo con tus pulmones, y golpeando a los enemigos con tus plumeros, antes de que el polvo regrese y todos se atraganten con el polvo! ¡Pero no te topes con el humo de las cigarreras o las tormentas de polvo, de lo contrario tu visión se oscurecerá, y tendrás dificultades para descubrir a dónde ir, encontrándote con enemigos por todas partes!
Français Ce jeu de plate-forme ludo-éducatif met en scène un dinosaure asthmatique (si si). Il doit traverser différents niveaux afin de retrouver une machine diffusant de l'air afin de sauver son monde envahi par la poussière. En chemin il doit répondre à des quiz portant sur l'asthme et les moyens de combattre cette maladie. Chaque niveau est précédé d'un petit texte éducatif rappelant aux enfants asthmatiques de prendre leurs médicaments !
Italien Questo gioco di piattaforma di edutainment presenta un dinosauro asmatico (sì). Deve attraversare diversi livelli per trovare una macchina che diffonde aria per salvare il suo mondo invaso dalla polvere. Lungo la strada, deve rispondere a quiz sull'asma e sui modi per combattere questa malattia. Ogni livello è preceduto da un piccolo testo educativo che ricorda ai bambini con asma di prendere i loro farmaci!
Portugais Você deve ajudar Bronkie e Rexo a encontrar as peças perdidas da máquina soprando a poeira com seus pulmões e acertando os inimigos com seus espanadores, antes que a poeira retorne e todos se engasguem com ela! Mas não esbarre na fumaça das cigarras ou tempestades de poeira, caso contrário, sua visão escurecerá e você terá dificuldade em descobrir para onde ir, encontrando inimigos em todos os lugares!
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .