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Allemand |
Der arme Rupert ist allein geblieben, während alle seine Freunde zum Spielzeughändler gegangen sind, um sich zu amüsieren. Um sich ihnen anzuschließen, muss er alle Einladungen einsammeln, die auf den 32 Bildschirmen verteilt sind, aus denen das Schloss besteht. |
Anglais |
Rupert has made himself late for his chums' party. The route to the party is through the evil Toymaker's castle.
In this platform game, each level is three screens long and consists of three floors connected by stairways that Rupert has to leap up or down. Collect all party invitations but watch out for marching toy soldiers, birds, planes and Jack-out-of-the-boxes. Touch any of them and Rupert loses one of his initial four lives.
Luckily white-coloured baddies are willing to cooperate. Jump on them and they will transport Rupert to platforms that initially seem unreachable.
Once all party invitations are collected, a door to the next level will open. In all seven platform levels in the castle must be negotiated before Rupert can attend the party. |
Espagnol |
El pobre Rupert se ha quedado solo mientras todos sus amigos se han ido a divertirse a la juguetería. Para unirse a ellos, tiene que recoger todas las invitaciones repartidas por las 32 pantallas que componen el castillo. |
Français |
Le pauvre Rupert est resté seul alors que tous ses amis sont allés s'amuser chez le marchand de jouets. Pour les rejoindre, il doit récupérer toutes les invitations disséminées dans les 32 écrans constituant le château. |
Italien |
Il povero Rupert è stato lasciato solo mentre tutti i suoi amici sono andati a divertirsi al negozio di giocattoli. Per unirsi a loro, deve raccogliere tutti gli inviti sparsi nei 32 schermi che compongono il castello. |
Portugais |
O pobre Rupert foi deixado sozinho enquanto todos os seus amigos se foram divertir na loja de brinquedos. Para se juntar a eles, tem de recolher todos os convites dispersos nos 32 ecrãs que compõem o castelo. |