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Megalomania - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
General Information
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   Japon Mega-Lo-Mania: Jikū Daisenryaku
Europe Mega-Lo-Mania
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France 1993
Japon 23/07/1993
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Allemand Mega lo Mania ist ein Echtzeitstrategiespiel, das jedoch vor dem genreprägenden Dune 2 erschien und im Gameplay einzigartig ist. Es erinnert an die Göttersimulation Populous (1989), allerdings interagiert der Spieler bei Mega lo Mania direkt mit seinem Volk.

Das Spielfeld ist eine Insel, die in zwei bis 16 Sektoren eingeteilt ist. Der Spieler und bis zu drei vom Computer gesteuerte Gegenspieler wählen aus einem festen Personen-Pool die Anzahl zur Besiedelung einer Insel und einen Startsektor. Die Sektoren unterscheiden sich in Art und Anzahl der Ressourcen und stellen ein entscheidendes strategisches Element dar. Aus der verfügbaren Personenzahl teilt der Spieler seine Spielfiguren entweder zur Entwicklung von militärischen Defensiv- und Offensivwaffen, zum Abbau der im Sektor verfügbaren Ressourcen, zur Waffenproduktion oder zu Kampftruppen ein. Die Entwicklungs- und Produktionsgeschwindigkeit hängt von der eingeteilten Anzahl von Spielfiguren ab. Kampftruppen können in andere Sektoren geschickt werden, wo sie gegnerische Gebäude und Truppen zerstören und anschließend an der Errichtung eines neuen Siedlungsgebäudes arbeiten. Die Personenzahl ist die wichtigste Ressource, wobei nicht eingeteilte Spielfiguren sich allmählich vermehren.
Anglais First you choose one out of four different characters to represent you, Scarlet (red army), Oberon (yellow army), Caesar (green army), or Madcap (blue army). The game is split into 10 levels - the first 9 are groups of 3 territories which can be completed in any other, while the final 'Mother of All Battles' has its own surprises.

Land is mostly of sand, grass or ice. You start with 100 men and you can use whatever quantity you find necessary on each island. The rest men left will go to another level with another new 100. In the second half of the game you can freeze men to save them for the Mother of All Battles.

Once you select your island and place for your HQ, you must do some research for better weapons and defences. On the roof of your buildings you can put protectors like archers, gunmen, boiling oil men, and later on even laser turrets. If you send a team of unarmed men into an unoccupied square, they will build an additional base there, with larger armies completing this more quickly.

Later on higher levels, you'll also build mines and factories, as you'll need to dig a certain material for higher level weapons, depending on whether the area you're on is rich with a certain material or not. With each next level, you'll start from a higher technology level and be able to progress to one higher level up then the at previous level.

If there is more then just one enemy, you can make an alliance until you crush the other one - three of you can form an alliance against fourth enemy. For what its worth, a certain numeric level of defence is always stronger from the same level of attacker, and men that are not armed (conscripts) can only kill enemy soldiers, not destroy or attack enemy fort.

The main thing as it always is in strategy games is to be the sole survivor and lead your men to victory, experimenting on vicious technologies, equipping your men, making a perfect soldiers out of them, produce shields, weapons, planes... to dominate the world and crush your opponents.

You can do the battling only in a certain quadrant, but don't be long as your men will automatically start building the fort, and it will be at the bottom of age level and you'll need to invent everything for that one again.
Espagnol Mega-Lo-Mania es una Simulación de Dios como ninguna otra. Es un tumulto desenfrenado a medida que los hombres de todos los ámbitos de la vida histórica luchan entre sí para controlar un planeta.
Français MegaLoMania est un jeu de stratégie sur Super NES. Choisissez parmi quatre personnages celui qui vous représentera le mieux et c'est à la tête de cent soldats que vous commencez la campagne. Le jeu est divisé en dix niveaux, et il est possible de former des alliances temporaires avec vos adversaires pour vous débarrasser d'un ennemi particulièrement coriace. La meilleure stratégie l'emportera !
Italien Mega-Lo-Mania è una simulazione divina come nessun'altra. È un tumulto sfrenato mentre uomini di ogni ceto sociale nella storia combattono l'un l'altro per controllare un pianeta.
Portugais Mega-Lo-Mania é uma simulação de Deus como nenhuma outra. É um tumulto galopante quando homens de todas as esferas da vida histórica lutam entre si para controlar um planeta.
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .