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Shining Force Gaiden - Ensei Jashin No Kuni E
Shining Force Gaiden - Ensei Jashin No Kuni E - Game Gear - Console Portable SEGA
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Shining Force Gaiden - Ensei Jashin No Kuni E
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   Japon Shining Force Gaiden : Ensei, Jashin no Kuni e
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Tactical RPG
Role playing games
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Japon 25/12/1992
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Shining Force
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Shining Force 1
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Allemand Shining Force Gaiden ist der erste Teil der Shining Force-Trilogie auf Game Gear und ein strategisches Rollenspiel. Der größte Teil des Titels ist dem Kampf gewidmet. Sie bewegen Ihre kleine Gemeinschaft auf der Karte. Der Kampf findet statt, wenn Sie mit dem Feind in Kontakt kommen. Jede Konfrontation bringt Erfahrungspunkte ein, vorausgesetzt natürlich, dass man lebend daraus hervorgeht.
Anglais The first of the three Shining Force games for GameGear, this is a Japanese-only gaiden (side-story) to the main series. The events take place in a time period between the first and the second Shining Force games (twenty years after the events of the first game), in a kingdom called Cypress. The ambassador of Cypress kidnaps Anri, the princess of Gardiana, casting a spell on her that envelops her in dark fog. You control Nick, a young prince who decides to help the princess, aided by the warrior team of the first Shining Force.

The game is a strategy RPG with a typical Shining Force-style combat: the largest part of the game is spent fighting enemy forces. You move your party (up to twelve characters) around, attacking or casting spells. Once in contact with the enemy, a short automatic battle sequence occurs. You gain experience points for every attack. Unlike other Shining Force games, you cannot visit towns in this game.
Espagnol El jugador controla a Nick, un visitante que va a Guardiana, que es elegido para ser el nuevo líder del ?equipo de la luz? de Guardiana. El grupo emprenderá el viaje rumbo al reino de Cypress para rescatar a los soldados cautivos y encontrar una manera de curar a la Reina Anri, quien se encuentra dormida bajo un hechizo lanzado por el embajador de Cypress, Woldol.

Los eventos toman lugar 20 años después del segundo juego de la serie Shining, y es el predecesor directo del cuarto título de la serie, el Shining Force: The Sword of Hajya (?Shining Force Gaiden II?).
Français Premier volet de la trilogie Shining Force sur Game Gear, Shining Force Gaiden est un jeu de rôle stratégique. La majeure partie du titre est consacrée aux combats. Vous déplacez votre petite communauté sur la carte, le combat survient lorsque vous êtes en contact avec l'ennemi. Chaque confrontation rapporte des points d'expérience, à condition d'en sortir vivant, bien évidemment.
Italien Il primo dei tre giochi Shining Force per GameGear, questo è un gaiden (storia secondaria) solo giapponese della serie principale. Gli eventi si svolgono in un periodo di tempo compreso tra il primo e il secondo gioco di Shining Force (vent'anni dopo gli eventi del primo gioco), in un regno chiamato Cypress. L'ambasciatore di Cypress rapisce Anri, la principessa di Gardiana, lanciandole un incantesimo che la avvolge in una nebbia oscura. Controlli Nick, un giovane principe che decide di aiutare la principessa, aiutato dalla squadra di guerrieri della prima Shining Force.
Portugais A primeira parcela da trilogia Shining Force no Game Gear, Shining Force Gaiden é um RPG estratégico. A maior parte do título é dedicado à luta. Você move sua pequena comunidade pelo mapa, o combate ocorre quando você está em contato com o inimigo. Cada confronto ganha pontos de experiência, desde que você saia vivo, é claro.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .